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Paranormal mystery has romance and secrets at heart #MFRWBookHooks

A bad divorce, a broken heart, a need to begin again.LoveMeKissMeKillMe_Final_small2

These three things propel reporter Sara Woods to leave the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and take a job as the new reporter for small-town Ohio’s Ralston Courier. Ralston is a sleepy little town that doesn’t seem to have much to offer this big-city girl, but her very first assignment is to investigate a dead body, a young woman found half-frozen on the side of a country road. As more bodies are discovered, the only common link seems to be that they’re all young women Sara’s age.

Still recovering from a previous auto accident and struggling with chronic pain, she becomes a patient at the Goldstone Clinic, a local mecca of healing.

But all is not as it seems at the Goldstone. Patients at the clinic first seem to get better, then they deteriorate. Sara enlists the help of Dr. Rick Paulsen, a doctor at the city hospital who shares her concern about the deaths of the young women, one of whom was his own patient. He teaches her through Eastern techniques how to access her internal power, skills she never knew she had, revealing secrets from her past.

Police officer Brendon Zale also takes an interest in Sara, but he stalks her, watching her every move, and he won’t leave her alone. He always turns up at the most suspicious times, especially where the dead bodies are found. What’s his interest in Sara?

Sara continues to dig deeper into the story, and tries to choose allies wisely, but not till the last confrontation does she discover the identity of her true enemy.

By then, it’s too late.

Where to buy Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me



Barnes and Noble


Gloria kept me on a full round of assignments, though I still didn’t have a regular beat. I interviewed farmers, called state legislators on budget talks, and wrote obituaries. But I found that whenever I asked for time to do further investigation about Lily and the others, Gloria bent over backward to make it happen for me.

While I was grateful, I thought it was unlike the hard-bitten editor to allow such devotion to a cause that had been shelved by the police and everyone else. She certainly didn’t seem to give others that leeway. After several days, I found myself alone with her by the coffeepot in the hallway between the news and sports departments, a pencil stuck behind one ear, looking very intellectual in the tortoise shell glasses. Her movements were stiff, caused by arthritis, according to newsroom scuttlebutt, but she refused any medication and denied any disability. I asked her about Lily.mfrw-book-hooks400

“Gloria, I get the feeling you should be telling me to get over this case and move on. But you don’t.”

“No.” She poured a tall mug of black coffee.

I waited for more of an explanation, but she didn’t elaborate. I shoved several quarters in the snack machine for some cheesy crackers. “So you think it’s worthwhile.”

“Yes.” Gloria stared out the window, jaw set.

She was as stubborn as I. A little smile inched across my lips. “Because?” I said pointedly.

She looked up and down the hall, and started to speak, but bit her lip instead. “Come to my office,” she said, and marched away. After a moment of stunned silence, I followed her. She waited till I was inside, then shut the door. She turned on her radio, loud. National Public Radio’s Fresh Air and Terry Gross boomed forth, interviewing a movie director about independent film making. Gloria gestured at the chair next to the desk, and I took it, but she sat on the counter under the window, cranked it open so she could smoke.

She took her time, burning up half the cigarette before she finally turned to me. “I want you to get them.”

“Them who?”

“The people who are killing all these women. Because there’s more than four. There’s more than the ones you pulled from O’Neal’s files. By my informal count, there’s at least 17.”

“What?” My voice, tight with surprise, got almost shrill.

She glanced at the radio, then at the door, then at me.

“Sorry,” I said, much more softly. “Where does that number come from?”

“Several people have taken notice of the deaths, the pattern, the statistics. We’ve compared notes and done what we can, but the authorities were less then helpful.”

“Good thing that’s changed,” I said with a heavy helping of sarcasm.

She smiled without warmth. “Cops are cops. They’ll never change.” She tossed the cigarette butt out the window. “When you’re ready, I will give you my contacts. Because I want you to nail the bastards. They killed my baby sister.”

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A paranormal Merry Christmas!

Hydra Publications is running a special sale this Christmas season– Starting Christmas Day, Hydra will be running Hydra for the Holidays, using Kindle Countdown.

Starting Christmas morning, select Hydra titles will be .99. The next day 1.99, third day 2.99 and then regular price. The titles involved are: Reality Check, Gnosis, The List, Dearly Departed, The Heart Denied, Heart of the Hunter, Love Me Kiss Me Kill Me, Eternal Patrol, Anon, The Wall Outside, Empyreal Fate, LoveMeKissMeKillMe_Final_small2Bounty Hunter, Ukishima, The Hand of God, Amy the Astronaut, The Know it All Girl, Without a Conscious, and The Parrot Told Me. Here’s an easy Amazon link.

What are people saying about Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me?

“LOVE ME, KISS ME, KILL ME is a riveting suspense thriller with supernatural themes. Fans of the genre will very much enjoy this novel.”

“This was a well written and very unique take on the vampire theme.  It kept me hooked and wondering who was good and who wasn’t up to the very end.”

“Lyndi Alexander’s newest release, “Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me,” is heart stopping. The author has skillfully crafted a thriller filled with danger and suspense, which also happens to involve a romance.  When the main character becomes involved with a popular local healing center, she becomes suspicious of its management, as several local young women her age mysteriously die of “natural causes.”  Each of these victims had a connection with the healing center.  As she begins quietly investigating to learn the truth of the deaths, she learns that she is in danger herself, and realizes that she has no one to turn to that she can trust. Read to learn how the mystery is solved, which you won’t know until the very end, for a real surprise. I was still guessing all the way!”

Interested? It’s waiting for you–Merry Christmas!


Vampires come in many flavors–have you found this one?

LoveMeKissMeKillMe_Final_small2As part of Melissa Snark’s Halloween blog roundup, I’ve contributed a piece on psychic vampires, and she’ll feature a review of LOVE ME, KISS ME, KILL ME later in the week. Have you ever noticed that just being in the presence of some people leaves you feeling like a wring-out dishcloth? Perhaps you’ve encountered a psychic vampire.

Please stop by and learn how to protect yourself from people who might suck your energy dry– we need all the life force we can get!


It’s the end of the world as we know it…everyone sing along! And enter the contest!

deception peak front coverWe’re celebrating the end of the world! We being several other Hydra Publications authors and myself–and we’re giving away free books and other goodies on December 21. How can you get in on all this goodness, you ask?

Enter the contest.

That simple.

And you’ve only got a week to do it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

LoveMeKissMeKillMe_Final_small2Prizes include ebooks of DECEPTION PEAK by Dianne Lynn Gardner, INTO THE SPIRAL by Erin Danzer, LEGEND OF THE OCEINA DRAGON and BATTLEFIELD by J.F. Jenkins, EPHEMERAS and EXHALE by Kendall Grey, THE JEALOUSY GLASS and THE UNIVERSAL MIRROR from Gwen Perkins, and LOVE ME, KISS ME, KILL ME from me. More are being added as more people enter, so pass it on to your friends and be eligible for even more prizes!

For more information, see the End of the World Giveaway page.

(And if the world doesn’t end, you’ll definitely need something to read over Christmas break, right? What have you got to lose?)

Hydra Publications blog hop! Come meet the authors and books of Hydra Publications this week!

Looking forward to hosting Amy McCorkle (Monday), R.S. Hunter (Tuesday, Dianne Gardner AND Beth Ann Masarik on Wednesday, Missy Goodman (Thursday), Erin Danzer (Friday) and Rachel Hunter (Saturday). Please stop by every day and check out their books and personal stories, leave comments, let them know how much we all appreciate writers.

 I will then be featured on Monday at the blog home of Tony Acree, Tuesday with Tricia Ballad, Wednesday at Melissa Goodman’s, Friday with Michael Turner and Saturday with James Peercy.  So you’ll get to learn a little bit more about me and how LOVE ME, KISS ME, KILL ME came to be created and published. This is a small publishing house, but it’s growing by leaps and bounds, publishing a lot of fantasy and paranormal romance-type books, many of which had been on the Amazon top 100 lists. Don’t miss your chance!

LM,KM, KM first review: this book is “heart stopping”!

Check this out… Five stars and a great review.  Hope it’s the first of many! 🙂

I need a new page! But I haven’t time just now so….

Yes! It’s nearly time for the advent of the newest expansion of my writing repertoire–my supernatural suspense book coming out next month from Hydra Publications.

The story is told by Sara Woods, a newly-divorced newspaper reporter who finds herself investigating a string of mysterious deaths in Ralston, Ohio, all women, all about her own age who’ve had the life sucked out of them, and all without a connection to each other.

Not until she goes for therapy to heal an old auto accident’s effects does she begin to guess what might be killing these women–and by then, she’s already stepped on the slippery slope.

When her friend Dedra begins to deteriorate just like the others, Sara enlists help from Dr. Rick Paulsen, a local practitioner who has some clout at the hospital and other area clinics. At the same time, she keeps running into police officer Brendon Zale, who seems to be following her around town in a very creepy way.

Where does her investigation lead, and who is really try to help her? Will she be able to stop the guilty party before they stop her? And why is Sara so afraid of lightning?