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And it’s out! Read an SFFS snippet, then pick up HORIZON SHIFT in ebook, paper or hardback!

Release date finally! I’m so excited. I wanted to have this book in hand before I started writing HORIZON STRIFE, which is due to the publisher by July 1. Just a chance to immerse myself in Captain Rogers’ world again.  His attitude sometimes reminds me of Mal Reynolds, and I just LOVED that show, always will.horizonshift800x1200

I managed to build my Horizon Crossover page this week almost in time. But it helps fill out the story and has all the buy links. So I’m pretty happy. (Yes, I know THE ELF GUARDIAN came out this week too, but that’ll have to wait for next week’s SFFS.

So, snippet for this week–

Captain Rogers takes his ship down to the nearest planet, Mariel, for repairs. He and a couple of his officers mosey into the nearest town to unload some scrap metal and buy land to bury their dead.

Careful to stay in character, he waved a hand at the thin almond-eyed server and asked for some sandwiches and more drink.

“Sure, Captain—you’re a captain, aren’t you?” she whispered, sounding desperate.

“Does it show?”

She studied him with more than idle curiosity and then went to the back.

Dani arrived at the bar a few minutes later. The captain pulled out a chair for her and she slipped into it, face flushed. “I unloaded all the uridium scrap for coin and they wanted more!”

Rogers nodded, noting the farm boys  had now focused on his table. “If you want a drink, I expect the boys will buy you one.”

“It might be a great offer, but I’m not looking for love, sir.”


But then they don’t leave the bar without the Captain finding himself a wife.  Always something…. 🙂

Find other fascinating snippets at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday today and every week!