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Serenity by the Sea: The Gull Island Series Book 2


The inspiration behind the Gull Island series came from a family vacation to Fripp Island, South Carolina. As a frequent visitor to coastal Carolina, I am fond of the Lowcountry, especially the people who call it home. Fripp Island is a small barrier island, rich with natural beauty and history—the perfect backdrop for my fictional town, Gull Island. My childhood experiences growing up on the Jersey Shore filled in any missing blanks about living near the sea.

The Gull Island series is a testament to the power of community and features three standalone novels: Serendipity by the Sea, Serenity by the Sea, and Simplicity by the Sea. These books are not just about the town, but also about the people who make it a community. Each novel introduces a strong, relatable woman at a crossroads in life, navigating the complexities of work and love, and searching for her own happily-ever-after. 

I hope readers will gain an appreciation for small, coastal towns—tight-knit, Lowcountry resort areas like Gull Island—where kindness is the heartbeat of the community. When I visited Fripp Island, I was struck by the island’s warm hospitality and how locals seamlessly interacted with visitors, sharing the island’s history and natural beauty. Gull Island has a story, including historical landmarks and meeting places where the locals like to gather. Each of the three books introduces the reader to a different part of the island, providing a glimpse into Lowcountry living at its best.

Exciting news for fans of the Gull Island series! Serenity by the Sea: Book Two is set to be released on July 31st, continuing the journey in the delightful seaside community of Gull Island. As an author, I’m committed to connecting with my readers. Follow me on Goodreads and sign up for my newsletter to get exclusive behind-the-scenes details and insights into the inspiration behind these stories. I look forward to sharing more with you!


While reinventing herself, a celebrity designer tangles with a contractor determined to remove her from his renovation.


Celebrity designer Hailey Maybank escapes to Gull Island to reinvent herself after a high-profile divorce, lending her expertise on a renovation project. Working with the boss’s son comes with complications, but will she risk her professional reputation for a chance at love?

Will Purdey vies for a partnership in the family business by showcasing his design skills on the firm’s latest project. Partnering with a famous designer who has a tarnished reputation can ruin his plans, but will his growing attraction for the colorful artist allow him to complete the job?


The phone pinged, interrupting her search. Rubbing her temples with her neatly manicured hands, she debated subjecting herself to another cringe-worthy social media post by some overly invested follower who insisted on commenting about her messy divorce. The public jumped into the ring, clinging to every dribble of drama when she signed the papers three months ago, making the split official. Separating her public persona from her personal life was nearly impossible, with the paparazzi following her every move, hungry for a sensational headline. Their telephoto lenses snapped away, searching for a money shot capturing her despair. A single tap on the screen could open the floodgates once again.

Being married to a celebrity chef had its perks–like a refrigerator perpetually stocked with decadent leftovers from his namesake restaurant–but getting divorced from Jason Leoni, Atlanta’s most sought-after culinary genius, royally sucked. His star-crazed followers granted the dark-haired Italian stallion a hall pass for his cheating ways, pinning the blame on Hailey for breaking the couple’s wedding vows. The ashes of a breakup, no matter the circumstances, burned, but this one continued to smolder. Try as she might, Hailey couldn’t figure out how to escape the heat. To the social media world, she was the villain who crushed their foodie fairytale.


Jennifer Vido pens sweet romances set in the Lowcountry, earning acclaim as the award-winning author of the Gull Island series. Her debut book in the series won Best First Book from the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest. Baltimore Magazine also named her a finalist for Best Local Author. When not writing fiction, she interviews authors for her weekly Jen’s Jewels column, leads water exercise classes, and directs a legal nonprofit. Currently residing in Maryland, she and her husband, Durbin, are proud parents to two grown sons and a rescue dog named Fripp.