Monthly Archives: June 2024

Check out this review!

from poems_by_jojo (a friend and sister writer)

“I usually post poems, but this is a fantastic read for Pride month (or any other month). One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors.”

No Good Deed–new from C.D. Bennett!


Hello readers, I am thrilled to be included in the blog today. I appreciate the opportunity to connect with all of you and introduce you to my upcoming release No Good Deed. A book that, in a small way, took shape from personal experiences. This novel takes place on a family ranch in the rugged mountains of Colorado. A beautiful state filled with breathtaking views and people that share a deep-rooted love of the outdoors. It also happens to be where I spent a lot of my childhood. I got to play among the aspen trees and have ridden through those mountains on horseback. I still miss it. Since I can’t hop on a plane every time I get nostalgic, what better way is there to revisit my old stomping grounds than to write about it?

I also included a main character that previously worked as an EMT (just like I did). It is how I put myself through college. Everyone says to write what you know, right? Needless to say, my heroine can handle a crisis. It’s a good thing too, because Kiya James couldn’t have known that saving the life of a stranger would make her the target of a dangerous unknown adversary. When she joins forces with the victim and his family, she finds herself thrust into a world filled with endless greed and relentless danger. It also opens the door to new love and found family.

I would love to hear your thoughts on No Good Deed!


No Good Deed…goes unpunished.

Kiya James’ relocation to idyllic Riverton Colorado is disrupted when she discovers a critically wounded man lying in a field near her home. Little did she know that her selfless act to save the man’s life would thrust her into a world of corruption, greed, and danger. As the only witness to the initial attack, and shaken by an attempt on her own life, Kiya is offered refuge with the victim’s family. Together, they struggle to uncover the circumstances that would trigger an unknown assailant to unleash a string of deadly attacks in an otherwise quiet rural ranching community.

Jake McCleary’s world could have been destroyed with a single bullet if it hadn’t been for the quick actions of a stranger. Now, in a desperate attempt to protect her, and his entire family, Jake must fight to defend his home, livelihood, and the woman who was rapidly capturing his heart, against the vicious actions of a criminal that will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants. But will they find the answers they need in time, or will they lose everything to the conceit of a madman? And will the bond between his wounded brother and the woman that saved him prove to be too big of an obstacle for Jake to overcome in the pursuit for Kiya’s love?

Introduction to the excerpt:

In this excerpt, Jake and Kiya have been spending time together while trying to uncover information about an attack on Jake’s brother, Dylan. Jake starts to realize that his feelings for Kiya aren’t as simple as he thought, but he would never hurt his brother by coming between the two of them.

Excerpt: Troubling realization

Outside, the air had turned chilly causing Kiya to shiver slightly when the wind blew across the yard. Jake immediately wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. He had snagged it from a peg hanging inside the door as they were leaving. “What are you doing running around out here without a jacket?”

“Thanks, I didn’t need one on my way over, and I wasn’t expecting it to get so cold. The temperature changes fast around here,” she said as she snuggled farther into the jacket.

They made the short walk to the cabin in relative silence, but as they entered the glow given off by the light near the front door, Kiya stopped and turned toward Jake.

“Thank you for inviting me tonight. It was great getting to see Dylan that way. Even if he still tires easily.”

“It’s surprising how effortless it is for you to tune in to how he’s feeling. You noticed his change in energy quicker than any of the rest of us.”

Jake’s words were spoken lightly, but his eyes appeared guarded. Kiya shrugged.

“I know what to look for, that’s all.”

“I suppose that could be it,” he allowed.

The wind picked up again causing Kiya’s hair to flutter across her cheeks. Without thinking, Jake reached over and smoothed the silky strands away from her face, but the mental image of his brother’s interaction with her earlier in the evening had him pulling his hand back and shoving it into his pocket. He had been unprepared for his reaction to their almost instant and very obvious bond. He was struggling with the fact that he didn’t like it.

No Good Deed The Wild Rose Press,

June 26, 2024

Romantic Suspense 308 pages

Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble


The Wild Rose Press


About the Author:

I am an avid reader and nature lover that enjoys adventurous outdoor activities when I’m not busy writing romantic suspense novels. Horseback riding, hiking, kayaking/paddleboarding, and swimming are some of my favorite pastimes. I have even “taken the plunge” with skydiving and scuba diving. I live in rural NW Pennsylvania with my family and a menagerie of animal companions. I am currently working on my third book.



Amazon Author






Everyone loves a bad boy

 Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.

The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine, Soldier of Fortune

Volumes 1-3

by JP Vile

Genre: Supernatural
Sci-Fi Action Thriller

 I’m Hunter Caine. Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.
I’m kind of a bad bitch, you might say.
I do what the chicken shit Corporation, or the Holier-than-thou Collective are afraid to do.
What they don’t want to do.
And I do it anywhere.
When shit gets ugly, and things need doin’, I get it done.
I don’t play favorites. Strictly Freelance.
But, I do it all.  And more.

You want something done? Something dirty? Something dangerous? Something distasteful?

Call Hunter. You got the cash. I got the flash.”

Order your copy and join in on the thrilling sci-fi action, today!

[excerpt from Hunter Caine The Chamber of Dr. Z]

Chapter One: Shamblers

A form lurched out of the foggy darkness, a black and deformed body illuminated by Planet #17’s weird green moon behind it. It swayed first left, then right, each step little more than a mindless flailing of limbs. Its arms draped at its side, hands twitching and shaking. An eerie moan slid out of its hidden face.

It was too dark to tell what in the hell it was—other than human.

Well, maybe human. Maybe native.

Why in hell does this shit always happen to me?

I’d spent two days driving around this shit-hole planet looking for the hidden lab of some dude named Professor Zorsky (I took to calling him Doctor Z), before I found this crummy road. I’d spent the prior two days seeking information on the same, paying off the local gangsters for intel, holding up nasty informants at blade point, even fornicating with one loathsome three-armed guy, feeling the entire time like someone was stalking me.

And here I was.

Almost to the target, and this shit happens. Basic damn job, I’d thought. No fighting monsters or mercenaries or government men. No killing.

A thousand easy damn chits.

Yeah right.

Just when payday is right down the road, this freaky shit wanders out of the swamp. Figures. Just my damn luck.

I stepped from the old Willy’s hover jeep that I’d acquired (through nefarious channels, I might add) back in New Cape Town, and side-straddled away, sliding my Colt particle automatic from its holster on my hip. If whatever-the-shit it was decided to fight, I didn’t want any harm coming to the sexy blonde in the passenger seat. No way. That was prime tail.

And flush with Corporation cash.

I remember meeting her at the Palace Saloon in Perdition outside New Bisbee, on the edge of the Frontier. She had a job. Looking for help. She flashed her creds. I harrumphed and she laid out the story of her kidnapped scientist—taken by the damn Collectivists for some unseemly reason, no doubt. I don’t do politics. But I do cold cash. And I do blue eyes and a pretty smile.

Now, I’m no homecoming queen type, but I am stone-cold sexy, I don’t mind sayin’. The girls and boys get a bit of a rush from my hard body, tats, wicked grin and crazy dreads. Still, despite my hot-itude, I’m weak in the knees for the baby blues.

So, I took the job. Didn’t ask a single damn question, other than who, where, what, when. Didn’t care about the why. That was for more noble folks.

Feautured Title with Perseid Press! Get it On Sale for Only 2.99 now!

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JP Vile is a devious introvert that scribes works of fiction for people that like action. Pulp fiction that is – the kind of fiction that gets your blood boiling and keeps you flipping pages like tomorrow may never come.

JP has been a soldier, a wrangler, a financial advisor, a professor and a professional eater of oatmeal cookies, all of which contribute to a well-rounded attachment to chaos. Most importantly, JP’s family is an eccentric group of lovable maniacs who all harbor an unhealthy commitment to raising their small dog, Shadow (who may or may not be
a Martian infiltrator).

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of print or ebook copy of The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine
Volumes 1-3,

Amazon giftcard – 1 winner each!


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Serenity by the Sea: The Gull Island Series Book 2


The inspiration behind the Gull Island series came from a family vacation to Fripp Island, South Carolina. As a frequent visitor to coastal Carolina, I am fond of the Lowcountry, especially the people who call it home. Fripp Island is a small barrier island, rich with natural beauty and history—the perfect backdrop for my fictional town, Gull Island. My childhood experiences growing up on the Jersey Shore filled in any missing blanks about living near the sea.

The Gull Island series is a testament to the power of community and features three standalone novels: Serendipity by the Sea, Serenity by the Sea, and Simplicity by the Sea. These books are not just about the town, but also about the people who make it a community. Each novel introduces a strong, relatable woman at a crossroads in life, navigating the complexities of work and love, and searching for her own happily-ever-after. 

I hope readers will gain an appreciation for small, coastal towns—tight-knit, Lowcountry resort areas like Gull Island—where kindness is the heartbeat of the community. When I visited Fripp Island, I was struck by the island’s warm hospitality and how locals seamlessly interacted with visitors, sharing the island’s history and natural beauty. Gull Island has a story, including historical landmarks and meeting places where the locals like to gather. Each of the three books introduces the reader to a different part of the island, providing a glimpse into Lowcountry living at its best.

Exciting news for fans of the Gull Island series! Serenity by the Sea: Book Two is set to be released on July 31st, continuing the journey in the delightful seaside community of Gull Island. As an author, I’m committed to connecting with my readers. Follow me on Goodreads and sign up for my newsletter to get exclusive behind-the-scenes details and insights into the inspiration behind these stories. I look forward to sharing more with you!


While reinventing herself, a celebrity designer tangles with a contractor determined to remove her from his renovation.


Celebrity designer Hailey Maybank escapes to Gull Island to reinvent herself after a high-profile divorce, lending her expertise on a renovation project. Working with the boss’s son comes with complications, but will she risk her professional reputation for a chance at love?

Will Purdey vies for a partnership in the family business by showcasing his design skills on the firm’s latest project. Partnering with a famous designer who has a tarnished reputation can ruin his plans, but will his growing attraction for the colorful artist allow him to complete the job?


The phone pinged, interrupting her search. Rubbing her temples with her neatly manicured hands, she debated subjecting herself to another cringe-worthy social media post by some overly invested follower who insisted on commenting about her messy divorce. The public jumped into the ring, clinging to every dribble of drama when she signed the papers three months ago, making the split official. Separating her public persona from her personal life was nearly impossible, with the paparazzi following her every move, hungry for a sensational headline. Their telephoto lenses snapped away, searching for a money shot capturing her despair. A single tap on the screen could open the floodgates once again.

Being married to a celebrity chef had its perks–like a refrigerator perpetually stocked with decadent leftovers from his namesake restaurant–but getting divorced from Jason Leoni, Atlanta’s most sought-after culinary genius, royally sucked. His star-crazed followers granted the dark-haired Italian stallion a hall pass for his cheating ways, pinning the blame on Hailey for breaking the couple’s wedding vows. The ashes of a breakup, no matter the circumstances, burned, but this one continued to smolder. Try as she might, Hailey couldn’t figure out how to escape the heat. To the social media world, she was the villain who crushed their foodie fairytale.


Jennifer Vido pens sweet romances set in the Lowcountry, earning acclaim as the award-winning author of the Gull Island series. Her debut book in the series won Best First Book from the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest. Baltimore Magazine also named her a finalist for Best Local Author. When not writing fiction, she interviews authors for her weekly Jen’s Jewels column, leads water exercise classes, and directs a legal nonprofit. Currently residing in Maryland, she and her husband, Durbin, are proud parents to two grown sons and a rescue dog named Fripp.

Shark Shifters and Selkies


Whenever I’m planning a new book, research is always an adventure, even if it’s mainly done at home. I love to learn new things that help me create exciting fictional worlds.

My latest release, Shifters’ Sea, is a paranormal romance featuring shark shifters and selkies. Both mythical creatures have different backgrounds. In my story I’ve tried to blend what I’ve learned about their legends with the fantasy world in my story.

Shark shifters have roots in legends from Hawaii and Greece, among other places, while selkie myths are of Celtic origin. Unlike normal sharks who are often the object of fear, shark gods and goddesses of Hawaii were protectors. Shark shifter legends in Greek mythology were often more frightening. The gods and goddesses sometimes turned people into sharks as punishment, as was the fate of the once beautiful youth Akheilos.

Selkie myths told of charming creatures that easily shifted from seal to human and held great appeal. They sometimes mated with humans who fell in love with these lovely shifters.

In my short story Shifters’ Sea, a modern shark shifter and selkie meet during a storm at sea and for them a new adventure begins.

Excerpt from Shifters’ Sea:

The seal fights its way closer to the boat. I’m about to dive in after it when it reaches the edge. Grabbing a coil of rope, I toss it overboard. The seal shifts to a blond woman. She clings to my line.

Grunting, I haul her up, fighting wind and water, until she lands, naked and panting on my deck.

“Hey are you okay?” I kneel beside her. Still breathing hard, she lifts her gaze to mine and nods. I’m momentarily stunned. She has the most amazing green eyes I’ve ever seen, not to mention a gorgeous body. Muscles, generous curves, long legs. If we weren’t in the middle of a storm, I’d be slack-jawed, but right now my main concern is to keep us afloat. Not that I couldn’t survive in the open sea, even in a storm, but I’ve gotten attached to this boat and I’d rather not lose it.

“Come on. I have clothes you can put on.”

We stand and the ship lurches. I reach out to steady her, but her sea legs are just as good as mine. Not shocking, considering what she is.

I glance off to the side. Another giant wave rises and in it, I glimpse a big, dark silhouette with glowing amber eyes. It’s gone in seconds.

“What’s wrong?” asks my unexpected guest.

“I thought I saw something, that’s all.”

Shifters’ Sea

by Kate Hill

Series: Romantic Moments

Format(s): Ebook

Heat Level: Spicy

Pairing(s): M/F

Genre/Themes: Paranormal Romance, Shifters, Instalove

Length: Short Story

Purchase Link:


Kai – Once upon a time, my kind were protectors, but the modern world doesn’t believe in legends, so I cruise the oceans, happily single with no responsibility. During a storm at sea, I rescue an irresistible woman and get dragged into a battle with a crazy cousin who has developed a taste for selkies.

Ivy – When I left home to escape an arranged marriage to the leader of our selkie harem, I didn’t expect to be caught in a storm and hauled aboard an old tub by a gorgeous guy. Kai is everything I want, but when I return home to tie up loose ends, I find a killer hunting my people. We selkies learn fast that to kill a shark, it takes a shark.

Note: Shifters’ Sea is a short insta-love paranormal romance. This Romantic Moments story is the perfect length for a lunch break, before bed, or any time you want a quick, romantic read.

About Kate

Kate Hill is a vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, watching horror movies, and researching vampires and Viking history. She runs the Compelling Beasts Blog that is dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes, and paranormal creatures. Kate also writes as Saloni Quinby.

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