A man must make a hard choice


I write romance starring Canada’s Indigenous People.  Normally, I stay within my comfort zone of contemporary and historical.  But for Twisted Beauty, my latest release, I wanted to focus on the Indigenous People of North America, but with a twist.  The twist comes from my fave movie The Road Warrior aka Mad Max II.  I longed to take my characters into that kind of civilization where they live outside of modern society and play by their own rules.

I’m an action movie watcher at heart.  Although I love romance novels and writing them, when it comes to visually immersing myself in something, it must be action or mystery.  Some kind of adventure!  And that’s exactly what Twisted Beauty is.  Adventure in the plot, but also adventure in the character arcs of the two main male leads.

I’m not an adventurer LOL.  I golf.  I exercise.  I walk.  I enjoy working on my lawn.  I don’t even get on rollercoasters haha.  So I live vicariously through movies where the leads are finding themselves in all kind of adventurous situations.

Currently, I’m hooked on watching the climbs on Mount Everest thanks to YouTube.  Would I go up Everest?  Heck no.  I enjoy a good hike, but not that far off the ground.  So my characters do the crazy and wild living that I won’t.  Sure, I’d love to race cars, but I’m leaving that up to Chassis (one of the male leads) to do for me in his ’69 Mustang Mach 1.  Or Hunter, who sits on the passenger seat of his car, aiming a shotgun at Chassis to take him down.

I hope you enjoy reading the novel as much as I had fun writing it.  Yes, it borders on dangerous and violent, but there is plenty of romance, too.

Book Blurb and Buy Links:

His community or his enemy.  He can’t have both.

Deep in the badlands, long after the fall of modern civilization, Hunter patrols the area as the war chief for his Lakota community.  His latest mission is to hunt down a marauder who robbed his neighbors of their precious goods.  He’ll act as this man’s judge, jury, and executioner.

Having lost everything at his former Ojibway encampment, Chassis is far from home.  He wanders the badlands, a grim reaper bringing death to those with what he needs to survive.  But there is one man courageous enough to challenge him.

When the duo faces off, neither expects the sizzling chemistry to erupt between them, nor for their duel to touch what both have denied themselves.  Now they must choose to either remain together and sacrifice their beliefs, or go their separate ways, losing what they’ve spent their lives searching for—love.


The ember stirring in Chassis grew stronger, most likely because the man wasn’t a coward and had pursued him with the cunning of Nanabush. There was more going on here than a mingling of pure exquisiteness and bold masculinity. The stranger was as determined as Chassis. Most would have ignored his supposed crime. But something told him his opponent not only believed in an eye for an eye, the fucker wanted both, which was why the man had stalked him here—to kill him.

For some strange reason, he admired that.

Or he could be wrong. The people he’d robbed might be his opponent’s parents, as he’d surmised earlier. Any other reason to hunt down someone who’d robbed a couple of their food and gasoline was ludicrous.

Chassis moved the knife again but applied minimal pressure. The man’s incandescent eyes widened for a brief second and then were masked by an emotionless façade. Fear lingered, though, since he sat on the man’s chest. The vibrations coming from his captive’s rapidly pounding heart were present in Chassis’ groin.

Again, he peeked at Waabooz. Her presence reminded him why he couldn’t allow himself to become vermin. He licked his lips. But it’d be so easy to take what he wanted…

“Turn over.”

The man’s upper lip curled into a snarl. “Forget it. You want my life? Then you stare into the eyes of the man you’re gonna murder.”

“Is that what you do?” Chassis couldn’t help the amusement from creeping into his voice. It was sort of funny. The man’s ruffled feathers were about as stupid as some hero swooping in to save the day. Heroes didn’t exist. Not anymore. “Is that what you were going to do when you came here? Stare into my eyes before you killed me?”

The man snorted.

“Well?” Chassis again ran the blade across his opponent’s throat.

“Your question doesn’t merit an answer. Vermin like you don’t—” The man’s reply had spit to it.

“Vermin? I’m vermin?”

This son of a bitch was no better than Chassis. At least he was honest about what he was. He didn’t hide behind a mask, pretending to be an avenging angel out to save the day.

“That’s exactly what you are—vermin.”

Enough with the pleasantries. “Turn over,” Chassis coolly ordered.


“Then I guess you leave me with no choice…”

Genre(s): M/M Dystopian Romance, LGBTQ+, First Nations Romance, Native American Romance
Heat Rating: Level 4 (violence, dubious consent)
Publication Date: November 3, 2023
Publisher: eXtasy Books

Amazon.com:  https://www.amazon.com/Twisted-Beauty-Maggie-Blackbird-ebook/dp/B0CM8Y8NKP/

eXtasy Books:  https://www.extasybooks.com/Twisted-Beauty

Kobo:  https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/twisted-beauty-4

Barnes and Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/book/1144307020

iBooks:  https://books.apple.com/us/book/twisted-beauty/id6471351602

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Maggie_Blackbird_Twisted_Beauty?id=40jhEAAAQBAJ&hl=en_CA

Smashwords:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1479229

BookStrand:  https://www.bookstrand.com/book/twisted-beauty

Also available in Kobo Plus.

Author Bio:  An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes.  When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most.

Links:  Web Site | Facebook Page | Twitter | Goodreads | BookBub | Instagram | Amazon Author Page | eXtasy Books Author Page | Newsletter Sign-Up

About Babs Mountjoy

Award-winning author, single mom and foster parent to kittens and cats

Posted on May 27, 2024, in adventure reading, book, dogs, enemies to lovers, fiction, guest author, m/m, Native American characters, post-apocalyptic, romance, survivors, Uncategorized, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on A man must make a hard choice.

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