Daily Archives: January 24, 2024

Read about a deadly ice planet this winter! Don’t miss the giveaway!

WELCOME author STEVEN BISSETT with his Earthborn Saga series!

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick?

Sure thing, I’ll summarize them with a major attribute, and then go into a little more detail to explain.

Rex: Loyalty.

Somewhat counterintuitive for someone who was exiled to a prison world as a child for someone else’s crime and grew up around underworld types, Rex is unshakeable in his loyalty to his friends.

Much of this can be seen to stem from the fact that on Delta-13, the only things of real value are your word and your friends. Anything else can be taken away by the authorities, and being friendless or unreliable is often to be dead.

For Rex, this taps into his naturally honest and fair personality and causes him to unblinkingly confront assassins and celestial beings for his friends.

Wellesley: Responsibility.

Built for management, responsibility comes naturally to Wellesley and he always looks for the best practical outcome for his friends and allies.

Conscious of his wartime experience, Wellesley puts meticulous thought into his advice and knows vividly that many people’s lives hang on his assessments.

Lily: Discovery.

An intensely curious woman by nature, Lily has devoted her life to uncovering the mysteries of the mind and understanding what makes people do the things they do.

Extreme cases, unknown mental disorders, mysterious psychological afflictions, all are fascinating to Lily and she jumps at the chance to help those that are suffering from them.

But what no one else knows is that her pursuits are fueled by a condition that she’s managed to keep secret for most of her life.

Gromyko: Enthusiasm.

Growing up on Delta-13 presented Gromyko with two options: Be crushed by the bleakness of life until he dies forgotten, or be a Superman to inspire hope.

Being the great man that he is, he chose to be a Superman, and he lives life just as close to the edge as he can while trying to free the people of Delta-13 from their unjust imprisonment.

Many see his actions as self-aggrandizing self-promotion, but in truth, they are actually motivated by a deep attachment to the people of Delta-13 and an unrestrained love of life.

Ugo: Idealism.

A true intellectual and idealogue, Ugo believes that the only path for humanity is through pure freedom of the mind.

Naturally an explorer, the Empire’s heavy-handed control tactics offended him personally and drove him to radical freedom movements promising to release humanity from the chains it’s been bound by. Even if the cost is a bloody galactic civil war that would leave many human worlds open to attack from aliens.

In other areas of life, he’s a very balanced and reasonable man that tries to find the best outcome for everyone. But in the name of his idea of “freedom”, there’s no one that he won’t sacrifice.

What is your favorite part of A Son of the Shadows and why?

My favorite part has to be when Rex and Gromyko go out to contact the Order operative and run into the authorities. I won’t spoil it for those that haven’t read it, but Rex and Gromyko act very naturally and smoothly in concert, and the scene is so dynamic that it’s one of my overall favorite scenes in the whole series.

How did you come up with the name “A Son of the Shadows”?

I came up with it while brainstorming titles with my brother. We were trying out different possible titles, and shuffling a list of words to draw inspiration from when my mind caught on “Shadows”.

I really liked the mystique of it, and since darkness plays such a role in the book, it seemed like a really great starting place. So we started working on what could go with “Shadows” to fill out the title, and give a weighty feeling for the book.

We settled on “A Son of the Shadows” since it has a double meaning for the protagonist Rex.

Firstly, he’s an orphan and was raised “in the shadows” on Delta-13, so it’s a pretty direct connection.

But the second is because of the dark “shadow” power that guides his destiny and shapes who he is. Metaphorically, he is a “son” to the power since he wouldn’t exist without it, and it’s the whole reason why he’s a significant person.

Have you written any other books that are not published?

Yes, I’ve got a couple that haven’t been published. For the most part, they’re Western short stories that I wrote before starting in on the Earthborn Saga, but there are a few fantasy books as well.

Westerns hold a special place for me, so someday I’d like to write up a few more stories and release a new collection of short stories.

Night is falling.

Embrace the darkness.

A Son of the Shadows

The Earthborn Saga Vol 1

by Steven Bissett

Genre: Science Fiction Fantasy

Night is falling. Embrace the darkness.

On the ice-clad prison world of Delta-13, where minds teeter on the edge of madness, mankind’s future dangles by a thread.

Living under the shadow of an imperial conspiracy, Rex Hunt discovers a psychic gift that will upset the balance of power in the entire galaxy.

As Rex grapples with his newfound power, prison psychiatrist, Dr. Lily Tselitel, delves into the chilling surge of madness among the inmates, pulling her closer to a secret as old as the galaxy itself.

Their paths converge as they uncover an imperial plot to build a weapon that threatens to suffocate the flickering spirit of rebellion in the galaxy’s fringe colonies.

Unbeknownst to the rebels, as they fight against the empire’s sinister plan, an ancient shadow looms over the galaxy, threatening to consume humanity’s vast colonies, and even Earth itself!

Discover the first book in an epic space opera where hope survives in secret taverns, and the line between life and death is blurred in the snowy expanse of Delta-13.

You’re just one click away from learning mankind’s fate.

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The Beast Emerges

The Earthborn Saga Vol II

Ancient secrets. New battles.

An unyielding, insidious peril, the Devourers unleash chaos in the galaxy.

First in their malevolent sights: the ice planet Delta-13, next the enigmatic jungles of Preleteth. Rex Hunt, driven by destiny and cryptic legends, forges alliances in the galaxy’s darkest corners.

From pirate-infested asteroids to secret Imperial bases, danger lurks at every corner. When ancient prophecies from the sentient world of Preleteth point to a shadowy salvation, Rex’s fate becomes irrevocably intertwined with a journey that spans galaxies.

Every alliance forged, every secret unveiled, and every battle waged will shape the future in this grand space opera of courage, sacrifice, and cosmic revelation.

Dive deep with Rex and his crew as they embark on a perilous journey. If you think you’ve outsmarted the might of the Empire or the ruthlessness of the Devourers… prepare for your reckoning.

Jump into book two of The Earthborn Saga today!

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The Crucible of Titans

The Earthborn Saga Vol III

Dreadnoughts. Devourers. Deception. In a star field of lies, can anyone be trusted?

Trapped aboard the Empire’s ultimate weapon, Sentinel, Rex becomes the crucial factor in the cosmic war against the Devourers.

But there’s a mysterious web of deceit beyond the battlefield. Driven by an intense hatred of mankind, an ancient being emerges as the parasite’s true puppet master.

Between the Empire, the Devourers, emboldened pirates, and a plethora of colonial revolutionaries, are there simply too many enemies to overcome?

The mysterious Krancis, architect of the Empire’s desperate gambit to survive, sends Sentinel on a collision course with the single greatest foe ever to threaten mankind. The battle to come is beyond colossal: it’s a celestial clash of titans that could cost Rex everything he has left.

Dive into this enthralling mosaic of military tactics, clandestine politics, and cosmic spirituality. Feel the universe quake under the weight of monumental choices. Here, heroes are born, villains rise, and entire galaxies crumble.

Ready for the next level of space opera?

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The Tides of Retribution

The Earthborn Saga Vol IV

Will the Empire crumble under the weight of betrayal and invasion?

As the galaxy is besieged by the merciless Devourers and treacherous Fringers, one ship and one man stand as humanity’s final hope.

Can the enigmatic Rex, a master of shadowy psychic powers, and the massive warship, Sentinel, keep the relentless enemy at bay?

Rumors of alien infiltration and psychic omens shake the Empire to its core. Can Rex and Sentinel hold the line long enough for Krancis’ new experimental weapon to be deployed against their enemy?

As the hive-minded Devourers grow bolder and more ruthless by the day, the Empire finds itself fighting battles on multiple fronts. Eliminating high-level operatives providing intelligence to the parasite becomes as crucial as protecting the Empire’s teeming population centers.

Venture into this colossal clash, where an alien hive mind, the Imperium’s internal enemies, and the ticking clock that marks humanity’s doom converge. Witness as Krancis’ innovations offer a glimmer of hope, Rex pushes his psychic gifts to the limit, and the Devourers edge closer to ultimate victory over humanity.

Ready to discover what surprises await humanity?

Immerse yourself into the intrigue of book four of the Earthborn Saga today!

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The Crusade of Vengeance

The Earthborn Saga Vol V

The tides are turning, but is it enough to save humanity?

When the Empire’s last gamble pays off, the Devourer’s end finally seems inevitable.

Armed with Adler fighters and Sentinel’s devastating cannon, the Devourer’s reign of terror might be on the brink of ending.

But the colossal enemy has one last trick up its sleeve and is spreading a devilish evil across the Empire in a desperate bid at victory. Armed with city-sized masses of stinking Devourer flesh, these psychic nightmares that consume life are being warped in from deep space to wreak havoc on the Empire’s core worlds.

And even as Rex powers Sentinel’s cannon to obliterate the Devourer’s latest monstrosities, a darker evil waits in the wings, a force that dwarfs all other threats.

Advanced weaponry meets arcane entities and the very fabric of the universe hangs by a thread.

Prepare to confront the real enemy in book five of the Earthborn Saga today!

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Steven Bissett has been writing stories for over fourteen years. An eclectic author, he excels at seamlessly blending genres together to produce unique stories. With compelling characters, dynamic plots, and a crisp, candid style that holds nothing back, Bissett continues to delight readers of every age.

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